Sous Vide Cooking with the Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator.

Is Sous Vide cooking easy?
A question I get asked all the time is if Sous Vide cooking is easy?
I personally think it’s one of the easiest methods to create perfectly cooked foods without over cooking. Some people are skeptical, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to test my theory in a real life situation with a little help from my sister.
Many customers think that I am a professional chef, when in fact I'm not, I just love to cook. I am your everyday home chef that likes to prepare amazing meals using the sous vide cooking method.
Introducing the New Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator. Perfect for any home.
For a Sous Video Machine to be sold in Australia it must adhere to stringent standards. It can take anywhere from four to six months for the required approvals and certifications to be received. During this time we took the opportunity to extensively test the Pro-line Domestic Sous Video Machine Immersion Circulator in our own home.
Being a domestic model sous vide machine for everyday cooking, Sous Video Chef tried to replicate how our customers would use the machine. Depending on what we were cooking we would use it 2 times a day, 1 times a day sometimes just a few times a week and it didn’t let us down!
Sous Vide Chef was extremely impressed with this sous vide machine due to its accuracy, fast heating time and consistent temperature which is what we want to achieve with sous vide cooking.
I wanted to take it one step further so I gave the Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator to my sister to use. I gave her a brief overview of sous vide cooking and told her how the sous vide machine works. I also explained the controls but no instruction booklet was provided. I wanted to really see if the sous vide cooking method is easy for someone that has never tried it before.
What did my sister think of sous vide cooking?
A picture paints a thousand words so keep reading and don't scroll down to the picture just yet. I will post the screenshot of the meal that my sister was able to cook and the messages that she sent to me after her very first attempt at sous vide cooking.
My sister is a mother of two young kids so as you can imagine she has limited time to cook and wants meal preparation to be easy and time saving. She couldn’t believe that she was able to create a perfectly cooked steak using the sous vide method on her first attempt. This is what I love to tell customers looking to try the sous vide cooking method as they too can achieve this so easily.
One thing I loved to hear was that she was able to figure out how to use the Pro-line Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator quickly and easily with little instruction. As you know, at Sous Vide Chef we like things as simple and easy as possible, just like sous vide cooking!
My sister already owns the Pro-line C1 vacuum sealer (Sous Vide Chef's best selling vacuum sealer - courtesy of big brother) she simply performed the following steps to cook her steak sous vide:
- Place the steak in the bag and vacuum seal.
- Fill pot with water then clamp the Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator to the pot.
- Set the temperature she would like the steak to be cooked at (rare, medium rare, medium etc.)
- Set the timer and press start.
- Once the water heats up put the steak into the water and that's it.
- Once cooked remove the bag from the pot, cut the bag open and remove the steak.
- Have a hot BBQ or pan ready and sear both sides for approximately 20-30 secondsonly to avoid cooking the inside of the steak.
I was personally impressed with how her steak turned out for her first attempt at sous vide cooking! Imagine with some practise and experience the meals you could be creating for yourself, your family and your friends in six months time.
See below the messages that she sent me after her first cook. This is exactly what I love to tell customers about sous vide cooking.
What does Sous Vide Chef think of The Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator?
This product is great for the budding home chef who is looking to try sous vide cooking for the first time. It meets Australian Standards, is lightweight (weighing less than 1 kg), it doesn't take up much space and is IPX7 waterproof so if you accidentally drop the unit into the pot of water it's safe.
We really liked that it had a circulating water pump with 1200 Watts for heating the water quickly and keeping it to the desired set temperature. We also loved the accuracy of the temperature was consistent throughout the cooking period with very little fluctuation.
Being able to cook in up to 20 litres of water with a lid for a home chef is fantastic especially for a sous vide machine of this this size. Sous Vide Chef would recommend cooking in 16 litres of water without a lid so it keeps the temperature of the water consistent with little fluctuation during the cooking period.
Just to give you an idea how much meat you could cook with this sous vide machine, as a rule of thumb, we say that for every 2 litres of water you can cook 1kg of meat. This means that if you had a 16 litre pot or container without a lid you could cook approximately 8kg of meat.
The Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator comes with a 12 month warranty and sells for $299.
If you would like to buy or read more about Pro-line Domestic Sous Vide Machine Immersion Circulator please click this link here to go to the product page.
If you would like to view Sous Vide Chefs full range of Sous Vide Machines please click here
If you would like to view Sous Vide Chefs full range of Vacuum Sealers perfect for Sous Vide Cooking please click here